Wednesday 6 August 2014

All it takes is a little bit of faith!

Strongest word in the dictionary is 'faith'. It has the power to explain the unexplainable. It is the answer to many mind boggling questions.

How large is universe?

Is there a mathematical proof of long lasting relationship?

Will there be peace that is for ever?

Do God exists?

Is it right what your religion preach?

You don't know just believe it.

Point that should be noted is that 'believe' is not equivalent to 'want'!

I believe I love someone is totally different than I want someone to love me. I believe that God has plans for everyone is totally different from that I want Him to plan good things for me..the things that I 'want' .

What is more important is when we take the leap of faith and start believing in things and people around us.

History has been written and rewritten many times. As stated by an author, 'Bible does not come from is a man made thing', so what to believe if there is a chance of history being distorted by conspiracy...?why not allow ourselves to be open to see things in newer ways.. ? I don't find people, young minds passionate about our history...why not a dedicated effort be made in unraveling some of the we have in science..test any hypothesis and present the outcome?

Apply the same method to find Krishna being historical character or just myth...?why not there is deeper interpretation of Vedas, Upanishads made public..?why not claim to the world that is rightfully ours as part if our cultural heritage?

If a nuclear reactor is shaped in the form of a 'shivlingam' then is there any specific reason for that? why could the 'brahmastra' described in Mahabharata be just another name for atom / nuclear bomb? And our forefathers were so wise that they know how to keep it secret and not accessible to common people.

Stem cell technology can very well be developed in those times. How can 'Gandhari' produce 100 kids..? It's not biologically possible in a lifetime of a woman but stem cell could have made it possible. Are we so obtuse that we want to deny the hypothesis just because it seems unpopular?

Or not acceptable to west.

To hell with politics ...if history needs to be rewritten then let it be. Let the world know our true place if we actually deserve it.